Saturday 18 July 2009

Aces High Flyball Tournament

Well today was fantastic, some how we ended up being put into division 1 (seeded 7th) on a declared time of 19 seconds! We had one dog in the team who has never run in open, Barney who has done one open tournament then Cai, Flash and Breeze. I though everything would go smoothly but how wrong could i be! Barney got interfered with in the very first leg of the very first race and refused to run after that. Bizzy was in a world of him own and pretended he had had no flyball training so he was out too that left us with 3 dogs.

Luckily we had put one of Michelle's veteran dogs as reserve 'just in case' well they ended up running every leg but at around 6.5 seconds. Cai ran start dog for the first time and was amazing. It took me about half the day to get the lights sorted but by the end of the day i was only 0.1 sec late. They were showing the dogs individual times and Cai ran quite a few 3.8 - 3.9's so im very very pleased. His turn was fantastic all day too and he didn't let the other dogs bother him. We ended up 7th but i was not surprised as we really shouldn't have been racing in Div 1 with a 19 second time. Cant wait for Dundee and the British Champs now!

1 comment:

Soggibottom said...

I love clicking on your blog Susan..

Amie is always asleep now...

I am sure Campbell would learn to love cats!!!!!!

or not!!!!!