Friday 13 March 2009

Toni Dawkings Training

Had another training session with Toni today. I decided to run Campbell as Chico is still not quite ready for 3 hours of training and his weaves are still a bit hit and miss. Since i last trained wth Toni i have sorted out Campbell's contacts which were apalling! He now has a fantastic stop at the end of the contact which i was hoping he did today like he does in training. He is a good boy and didnt put a paw wrong and i think Toni is very pleased with his contacts now. We also worked on speeding the dog up over the contact equipment. Toni held Campbell while i ran away calling him and then she released him and he shot over the dog walk and into position much faster than he normally does it. He really does thrive on being wound up!

We also worked on turns which Campbell does quite nicely and is usually quite tight. Its me that needs training as im not always in the best position to help him out! We ran the course she had set up then tried different ways of handeling the turn which really got me thinking about where i need to be more. Ive also realised that Campbell really will have to learn to work on ahead this year as i wont always be able to be there with him. Thats my goal for the next few months... get him to GO when i say GO!! All in all a good three hours training and i cant wait for next week.

1 comment:

Soggibottom said...

Oh I am soooooo lucky Cambell, I don't have to wear contacts or glasses they would fall off of my nose anyway.
luv youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Amie Soto Blossom

your not on about glasses are you?