A lovely show and our first time camping this year! I'm not entering
Chico in all the classes he is able to do anymore as he switches off so quickly so two classes is enough per day.
SaturdayFirst up
Campbell had Grade 1 & 2 agility and he did a cracking round in a very fast time.... with 5 faults on the dog walk! so annoying as he would have had a very high placing with that. Next up
Chico had Grade 1 - 4 collie jumping. Now when i entered this a few months ago he was enjoying jumping courses much more than agility. Now that's not the case and this was a very interesting course that i would have loved to run with
Campbell but knew
Chico would hate. He tried but had one pole down but didn't enjoy all the nagging i had to do to get him round.
Last up they both had Grade 1 agility.
Chico went first and did a nice round with just one pole down.
Campbell is really on top form right now and did a fantastic round although i did slow him on the dog walk to make sure we got the dreaded contact. I went to check his time to find we were in 1st! we stayed there most of the class but ended up 2nd which I'm really pleased with although i now realise how close he is to winning out!
SundayCampbell had Grade 1 & 2 agility. It was a very testing course that not many people were getting round and i wasn't surprised when we ended up with and E! Next he had graded 1 - 3 agility. This was basically the course from the morning but in reverse so again quite testing. We managed to get round this time with 5 on the dog walk and 5 for a missed weave entry.
Chico was a bit switched of and did a very slow steady round but went clear in a painfully slow time of 41 seconds. We ended up 10th which surprised me! Last up they both had grade 1 jumping.
Campbell got 5 for a missed weave entry and
Chico got E'd for jumping the tape round the ring although he did come straight back in and complete the course without any faults in a nice fast time.