Saturday, 23 August 2008

Shooting Stars Flyball Tournament

Well today was amazing! I ran Campbell in division A with another team called the Terrierists who are a staffie only team. They are just amazing and can really show the collies how its done. They had a space so we joined them just so i could see how he is doing as flyball has never been that exciting to him.... well he surprised me! He loved every minute of it and only made a few mistakes at the end when he was very tired. Considering it wasn't even a box he has used before he did really well. We ended up 6th but that was due to the other dogs in the team making mistakes so i really think ill have to run him in some open tournaments next year.

It was then Cai's turn in division B. It was only the Power Paws second time out and some of the dogs had only been training with us for 3 or 4 weeks! As we came second last time we really were all very nervous as we wanted to do as well this time. There were 7 teams in our division this time so we had 6 other teams to race against and as it was best of 5 the dogs had a lot of races to do. They all did amazingly though and we won out first 3 races. We then went to check the score board to see how the other teams were doing and to plan which dogs to race in which heats to hopefully beat the remaining teams. We then won out 4th race and got very excited.

The team we raced in race 5 had not won all day so we didnt think we would have a problem there but they shocked us all and beat us! That just left race 6, if we won that we would come 1st so put all our fastest dogs in, Barney the dobe x, Poppy the collie, Frazzle the toller and Cai the flyball monster collie! We then won the first 2 legs and tied the 3rd so as we had then got 3 points the judge said we had won. We went off very excited and couldn't wait for prize giving. We then heard an announcement saying there had been a mistake and we had to go back and do another race as the tied race didnt count!!! Thank god all the dogs pulled out that extra bit of speed required and we won so came 1st overall with a best time of 24 seconds.

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